small sparrow
rest with me
a while
do not hurry
to the bleeding vine
sing your broken heart
that beats with such
heavy rhyme
the Father knows
the best time
for you to fall
rest with me
a while
do not hurry
to the bleeding vine
sing your broken heart
that beats with such
heavy rhyme
the Father knows
the best time
for you to fall
"do not hurry to the bleeding vine."
I love that line, Billy. What a tranquil, and delicate, reverie. It made me want to stop, and rest.
Thank you Sarah for the lovely words!
I can hear the shrillness of the notes in the words, if that makes sense. Lovely.
....better class of sparrow than
what we have here.
Thank you, Julie! (When I was looking for a pic of sparrows, I was amazed at the variety within the species ... or class... or phylum ... or whatever LOL!)
Echoing Sarah, this was absolutely effective in the making me feel restful! Very nice, Billy. :-)
Bless you, Seamus!
Love the photo. Love the poem.
Thank you for stopping by my blog a few days ago. I only just now saw....
(and I hope things are going well with those kneecaps of yours.)
You're welcome, Church Lady!! And the kneecaps are fine. My lawyer said to just sue the first roofer :)
I had no idea you were a multi-blogger ...or should that be dual blogger. Anyway, I'm glad I've found my way here now. It's like an oasis:-)
Thanks, Lane. I have found that trying to maintain two blogs is very hard, but I wanted a second to post my observations on the insane twenty-first century. Have a wonderful Christmas if I haven't already said so !!!
...all the best for Christmas to you and yours from a confessed polyblogger. I was going to give the outliers a trial run and then quietly delete those which didn't catch, but have grown rather attached to 'em as albums to look in on. The hardest to develop seems to be the poetry - I find it needs a particular mind set.
Cheers, Julie.
I like the smallness of this. Joined with huge emotion.
Thanks, Jason. Was definitely minimalist in approach.
Billy, your words inspire.
Happy New Year!
Thanks, Wayne. I've been on a self-declared holiday !!! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Dr B. May 2008 bring you all good things ... and an extra shrimp:-)
Now that was beauty, Billy. Short and sweet. :-)
Happy New Year!
And Happy New Years to you, Lane. And there's always shrimp in this neck of the woords :)
Shesa, thanks! I used to write a lot of poetry with no punctuation--very spare. I like to experiment with rythm,
A lovely sparrow, indeed.
Haven't heard from you in a long time, Billy. I hope you're well. I also did not realise you had published a book. Here's wishing you many blessings for 2008.
Hi Suzan! Thanks for stopping by. I haven't been posting since right before Christmas and am now pretty busy with work, but my New Years resolution is to make a few minutes to keep in touch with the blogging community! Happy New Years!
Okay Billy... time to post something else. :-)
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