Tuesday, February 19, 2008

For a Simple Kiss

The stars which fell into the lake
last November and froze
are still there, my winter love.

Come, lean forward over the ice,
and for a simple kiss
I will show you a new way
to look at the sky.


virtual nexus said...

Brilliant. Like a riddle wrapped in an enigma...

Scott from Oregon said...

That's gonna get you laid, I swear...

Steve H said...

first time visiting and i will be back - this is truly wonderful!

WH said...

Julie, yeah, like looking at the sky upside down in suspended animation :)

Travistee, thanks. Glad you liked it!

Scott, the ice would be pretty cold on my butt :)

hotwire, thanks for stopping by. Much appreciated.

Charles Gramlich said...

A perfectly balanced piece. Even though the stanzas aren't the same number of lines, the balance is there in content. Very nice.

virtual nexus said...

....have a laugh at the new Biggin Hill flight path on mine if you're passing.

WH said...

Thanks as always, Charles.

Julie, a great pic!

SandyCarlson said...

I'm loving this, Billy. Reminds me of a poem by Langston Hughes. Just wonderful. Ice and sky views go together for me.

Lana Gramlich said...

Awwwwww. That's sweet.

Sarah Hina said...

Melted my ice, Billy. ;)

Just lovely. And just my sort of thing. *sigh*

WH said...

Sandy, thanks. I'm in good company with Langston Hughes :)

Lana, thanks for stopping by!!!

Sarah, thank you. Is an old poem--pretty simple--but I always liked it.

writtenwyrdd said...

I am obviously in a strange mood, because I found a very macabre overtone here, and kept picturing the speaker putting his palm to the back of the lover's head and then, yannow, pushing...

Or I might be thinking back to why I am not married now.

WH said...

Written, this is an older poem, but when I read it the other day, I did see the possibility of your interpretation. If I ever tried to publish this one, I would have to tweak it a bit. In my case, maybe too much Stephen King.

Marja said...


Bernita said...

Superb, Billy.

WH said...

Marja, thank you so much. An old poem that was going to waste in my files :)

Bernita, thanks. I seemed to have a nice balance despite its brveity.

Lane Mathias said...

This poem has been playing on my mind for a couple of days.

The words 'lean forward' resonate and hinge the poem. I see it as ultimately optimistic - a new beginning.

WH said...

Lane, thanks. It was meant to be positive, though Written correctly found an alternate and valid interpretation.

writtenwyrdd said...

I should have also said that the other interpretation is lovely. As usual. Writtenwyrdd

Chris Eldin said...

Love this! Fresh and romantic!

WH said...

Thanks, Written. (I knew what you were saying though.) You're kind to come back and leave another response. I appreciate it -:)

Christine, thanks--funny thing is I don't live near any frozen lakes :)

Nabeel said...

really like the idea of stars falling in the winter lake and freezing .. and perhaps they burst out in summer, hence happier people.

WH said...

nabeel, that was the central idea in my mind that prompted me to write the poem--the frozen stars. Glad you liked it. Thanks for stopping by.

cargwaps said...

*sighs* thrilling.

you obviously had no problem getting dates when you were younger! haha XD

WH said...

Actually I had a lot of trouble getting dates when I was in college. Ah well, ya live and ya learn LOL

cargwaps said...

I find that very hard to believe considering the brilliant way you spin your art. :)

WH said...

cargwaps, I was shy -:)