John Hall is a friend and former classmate of my older brother. I say “older” because, although there are only two of us, I am six years younger and much better looking. But I digress. John’s wife Jane was diagnosed with breast cancer and, thankfully, she is doing very well after a year of treatment. At 62, John is riding 12,000 miles around the perimeter of America to raise awareness about cancer and funds for cancer research. You may make donations to the Lance Armstrong Foundation or the Providence Alaska Medical Center (John is an ER physician who lives in Anchorage) or find out more about John, his odyssey, and his wife by simply visiting his blog at Bike Ride Around America . If you simply want to wish him well or offer your prayers and support, I know he would appreciate a comment on his blog. Although he has a small support team traveling with him, it’s a long journey and will take 120 days. It is John's hope that if he can save just one life by encouraging someone to get a mammogram, the ride will have been worth it. There are links to his site in the sidebar (Support Cancer Research) and link list number two. The first pic is John biking across the Mississippi River, heading into Louisiana. The second is a pic of John. Thanks all.
I was happy to stop and wish them well.
Thanks, TC. John is a great guy "from the 60s," someone who never lost his social consciousness. I heard that one of his children is moving to Capetown, SA to work with AIDS patients. These are the kind of people that the world needs.
Yes, they are the kind of people the world needs.
One of my nephews runs in the Boston marathons for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He's also run in the Walt Disney World Marathon once. His best friend's mother lost her battle with Breast Cancer some years ago. It's a passion for people and a big heart that motivates Brian, too.
He may not be physically able to run another, he really messed up his knee training last year and he's pushing 30. It hurts nore! ;-)
Jo, thanks for stopping by.
Barb, I'm nowhere near 62, but I couldn't run a marathon or cycle around America. Whew!
What a guy! I'm very much in awe.
And good on you for pointing this out, Billy.
coincidentally, I have a brother who is six years older than I am also, and not nearly as good looking.
I'll check out his site. A worthy cause.
What a wonderful man, John is. Thanks for linking to his blog.
Sarah, he is really terrific! I admire his Hercullean effort. We need more activists.
Charles, my brother's photo was put onto John's blog when he passed through Franklinton two nights ago. My bro is totally gray ... but he exercises every day and could undertake a traitholon. I'm still better looking.
Tina, John is willing to do this in hopes of saving even a single life. What a guy!
I don't have a brother six years older, but if I did, I'm sure I'd be the better looking one.
Thanks for posting about this. Early treatment is so important in so many cancers, and breast cancer is one where there is actually a way to catch them early, yet so many women don't get mammograms, particularly poor women.
I know that I couldn't make it up that bridge! :)
Good post on a very worthy cause William.
I bike ride a lot, am a couple years younger but I KNOW I'd never make it up that hill - be a blast going down the other side though :)
What an inspiration-both John and Jane and I am looking forward to stopping by his blog.
My sister-in-law is a breast cancer survivor and I will be sure to pass this along to her as well.
Phew what a bridge!
That's a great thing they're doing. Very great indeed. I'll hop over to the blog.
Very cool!
We donate to Angel Ride to help local kids with cancer. Our friend is a cyclist who is passionate about it. I love people like this! Thanks for this post, Billy.
Shauna, Andrew, Janice, Linda, Lane, Sandy--Thanks so much for your response to this post and John's efforts to raise awareness about cancer research and screening. And yes--getting up that bridge would be too much for most of us ... but as Janice says, what a ride coasting down the other side!!!
Billy, my emails to you about your contest winnings keep getting bounced back. I'll try again tomorrow in hopes AOL has changed its mind about my legitimacy.
I will visit him Billy. What a strong hero this man is. My mum had breastcancer so I know the suffering
Will do.
Good cause, good people, and good on you for blogging about it, Billy.
Yes, you are more handsome!!
We have a friend who is being treated for stage 4 breast cancer. My husband and I think her husband is in denial....but every opportunity to raise awareness is well worth it.
Thanks for this post.
Shauna, AOL acts up every now and then. A couple of other people said the same thing during the past week. I'll send you an alternate.
Marja, the man has an indomitable will!!!
Raine, thanks--and btw, I've been stopping by your blog, but my PC won't load your full page in the past week. Gremlins :)
Chris, my brother's friend is the kind of person who really gives me hope for the world. btw, Sorry I haven't been able to participate in your activities this week. It's been one thing after another. So dang busy right now.
Just want to thank you for stopping by, Billy. I hope you're enjoying the work that is keeping you busy. I appreciate your time and your thoughts.
God bless.
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