I recently got a copy of Barren Worlds, published by Hadley Rille Books, which features a short story, "Elessa the Restless," by Shauna Roberts. It is a great sci-fi piece in a collection that centers on exactly what the title says: barren worlds. As the editors note, however, "barren" can mean many things. In this intriguing collection, the introduction explains that the "stories span a range of styles from dark to quirky to those of survival and escape." The common thread is that "the storytellers . . . take you into a universe devoid of something and in some cases, to places you'd best avoid." That's enough to pull me in right there.
Every story in the collection is great, and I am very impressed with Shauna's work! She's a real prose stylist. I strongly encourage those of you who like good writing and sci-fi in particular to hop over to Shauna Roberts' For Love of Words to check out her blog and a link to Barren Worlds or go straight to Amazon or Hadley Rille Books. The publisher also has many other great anthologies for sale.
Thanks, Billy, for your kind comments. I'm blushing.
Very cool! I agree that Shauna is a great writer. I'll have to check this out.
First of all. Good to see you. How are you?
Thanks for the tip I will check it out.
I'm glad to see you again. This is a lovely post. I'll have a look!
I'll have to add it to my list. I'm missing your wonderful poems, so it is good to see that you are alive and well.
I have a copy of the book as well but haven't had a chance to read any of the stories yet. Everything got backed up getting ready for Babel Con. I've read other stuff by Shauna, though, so I feel confident I'll like her story.
I've got the book and just (just!) need to make time to read -- I know I'll like it.
I like the idea of the nuances on "barren." Thanks for the tip, I'll have to look for it.
Shauna, you're most welcome--and deserving!
Lana, thanks for stopping by!
Marja--hi! I'm well but still very busy.
Sandy, howdy. It's been a while LOL.
Raven, it
s a great story from a great collection. I'll be back with some poems in the near future.
Charles, it's a winner for sure!
Lisa, how do you find the time to read every book under the sun LOL ???
Britta, hi. Hope you've been well!!!
Thanks for the tip, and glad to have you back!
Reads interesting :-D
My name is nick I am looking for blogs to link with, would you like a link?
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Hi there! Glad you are back-and I loved lurking on Shauna's blog. I bookmarked it so I can go back and visit. Thanks!
Hope all is well for you!
Missing your regular writing posts and visits Billy. Hope you have time to return to blogging soon.
thanks for the tip. i will read it.
Just stopping by to see what's new Billy. Miss ya!!!
Wishing you a safe and happy Labour Day Weekend, G
Billie we are missing you
Sweet friend Billy. I have been in hospital for most of summer. If you had an email I would tell you why.
I am happy to see that you have not posted in a while. This means you are working.
I miss your wonderful poems my friend and hope to here from you sometime.
I worried all last week about storms and it looks lik another ones on the way again. Hold tight sweet Billy and get to high ground.
I am missing you.
love you, Melanie-bd
I'll have to check this out - thanks for the heads up!
I've now got a bit more time on my hands to post again - hope you had a good summer.
Shauna is a real talent yes.
JANNIE, thank you.
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